Located in the beautyful city of Carlsbad you’ll find a great spot to take your board . Carlsbad is located in between Oceanside (north) and Encenitas (south) in San Diego County, CA.
I lived there for a short period last year, and I totally fell in love with the place. It’s hard to exactly put a finger on one spesific thing i love about the place, but one thing always comes to mind. And it’s the atmosphere that this amazing city so wonderfully show you. It’s a beach town, what do you expect? Well, I can tell you this much, not all beach town are nice. But Carlsbad really is a place to go to. With it’s center, Carlsbad Village laying only a couple blocks away from the beach it’s hard to stay away from this place.
People are nice in genuin and they treat you with respect like any other place should be giving you. The biggest attraction together with the flowerfields is of course Legoland, but for me it’s got to be Tamarack Surfbeach. Surfers come a long way to enjoy the surf and the amazing beach. For those who are just there for the walks and views, I can totally understand them.
So if you’re in the neighborhood, or planning on going to the sunny coast, please use some of your time in Carlsbad. I can assure you it’s going to be worth it.