Newport Beach Sunset video

January 22, 2013 Harald Vaagan No comments exist

Yesterday I decided to go for a walk. A little longer than usual, so I went down to Huntington Beach Pier and back. Low tide made it easy to get passed the two streams coming from the ……. It was a busy day down there. Lot’s of people enjoying they’re day off I guess. For some people Martin Luther King day  is an holiday. Well, I had the day off too 🙂 Smooth waves kept coming in the whole day and  California surfers know’s how to take advantage of this. The Dolphins weren’t as busy as the day before but they were still around. Nice creatures those Dolphins.
Later, at sunset I took some video footage of the sunset with my Canon 60D using the Canon 24-105mm lens. Shooting in 1280-720 60fps. Haven’t really been using my camera  to take videos before, but now I will. Happy with the result and can’t wait to improve and take another one.  Check it out!

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