Whereisharald.com’s New Year’s resolution

January 10, 2013 Harald Vaagan No comments exist

Whereisharald’s  (Harald Vaagan) resolution for 2013 is to turn whereisharald.com into a business. Many say this might be a far fetch and I agree with them, but that’s not going to stop me. I like challenges. I this one is a big one. It could potentially become my main income. And here is how I’m going to make some good money by the end of this year.

Develop Whereisharald.com so that more visitors comes to my site, several times..  How can I do that?  Well, I would have to make whereisharald.com “popular”. And by more popular I mean getting more traffic to the site. A well known term for bloggers.

So how can I do that?

For the past 5-6 years I’ve been blogging on and off about my travels. And I will continue doing that, but with more updates than ever!

With traveling my excitement for taking photos/videos and  I’ve become more interested in The Art Of Photography. Taking pictures has always been fun, but with my Canon 60D I feel I’ve found an amazing hobby and hopefully a future business.

So my goal would be to incorporate my travel stories together with videos and my photography. And so far I’m not getting the traffic that I want, so I guess I have to make whereisharald.com more interesting by putting myself in front of more interesting objects:)

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